A dust collector is designed to clean a factory of dust and fumes, thus making it fundamentally green. By designing a dust collection system properly you can contribute to sustainability in many additional ways. An article appearing in Green Manufacturer magazine titled
"10 Ways a dust collection system can contribute to your plant’s sustainability" written by air pollution control expert John Dauber, gives an easy overview in helping increase and maintain sustainability.
Make sure that the dust collector is compliant with the new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Rule 6x regarding weld fumes and other airborne contaminants. You can request a written guarantee from the equipment manager stating the dust collector meets the standards. Size the collector properly for the application and area. An undersized dust collector can result in high pressure drop, frequent filter changes, high energy usage, and a host of larger maintenance issues.
If you are being accountable for a high standard of sustainability shouldn't you require your dust collector supplier to do the same. You can request a sustainability report or other documentation as evidence of its green manufacturing initiatives. The use of a VFD variable-frequency drive controls fan speed effectively and efficiently.
To read the full article and learn additional steps to consider for a truly sustainable dust collection system please visit
Green Manufacturer Magazine.
You may also find more information regarding the
EPA Standards here.