Friday, June 19, 2009

Case Study: Seed Company Turns to Cartridge Dust Collectors for Efficiency, Safety

Each year, farmers plant and grow soybeans, summer wheat, or winter wheat. After the harvest, they transport the seeds to production facilities, where the seeds are conditioned for later use. The seeds are cleaned, then coated with herbicides and insecticides before being packaged and distributed to various outlets for sale. This conditioning process generates a significant amount of dust with multiple challenges for collecting it as well as minimizing the hazard potential.

Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont company develops, produces, and markets a full line of top-quality seeds, forage, and grain additives, providing services to customers in nearly 70 countries. They faced these challenges, unsatisfied with their existing cyclone dust collectors. If you are a seed processor, read this case study on how filter media cartridge collectors provided the high efficiency that Pioneer Hi-Bred needed to meet EPA dust emission standards and improve the working and safety conditions inside the facility. Full case study here...