Monday, May 23, 2011

FAQ: When it comes to choosing dust collectors, what are the advantages of a vertical filter versus a horizontal style filter?

The position in which a filter cartridge is installed or mounted in the dust collector – vertical or horizontal – has a major impact on both safety and performance. Horizontal cartridges have a tendency to build up dust on the cartridge surface, reducing the amount of usable filter area. This can decrease filter life and can also be the cause of fires in applications that produce sparks or ignition sources. The spark lands on the cartridges, causing both the cartridge and the dust that has settled out on the cartridge surface to catch fire. A vertical cartridge sheds sparks more readily and greatly reduces the chance of filters catching on fire.
The dust in a horizontal collector first enters the top of the collector and must be pulse-cleaned off each row of cartridges until it reaches the hopper. A vertical cartridge has a cross-flow air pattern with an inlet that pre-cleans the air before it reaches the cartridges. This lowers the dust loading on the cartridges and helps to increase cartridge life. See more information on horizontal versus vertical cartridges.